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​​What's In Cooper's Diet?


I bet you are wondering what's in Coopers diet. If not, why are you here? Haha, I'm Just kidding. But really, I am going to tell you whats in Cooper's food dish :)


The first section will be on: Cooper's actual diet. The second section will be on: Cooper's treats.


Okay, so lets start off with his daily diet! :)

So, in the morning, he gets one treat from his treat bowl. Ya'know, to start the day off good. :)

Then, in the afternoon, when I get home from school, he gets some fresh food. And a serving of pellets (natural and dyed). If it's the summer, he gets vegies here and there through out the day.

Finally, at night, he gets another serving of his pellets, (natural and dyed).

Some people get mad at me because I give Cooper dyed pellets, but the truth is... He doesn't really eat those. He only eats the banana shaped ones cause he can hold those with his feet (the rest are too small). You see, the dyed pellets are actually parakeet pellets, but my keets don't like them, so I give them to Cooper in hope that he will chow them.


***Strict Seed Diets Are Completley Unhealthy. Make Sure Your Bird Gets A Large Serving Of Fresh Food Every Day***



So now, lets talk treats. There's not much to say here... Cooper gets one treat in the morning and one here and there just for being good. He also gets a treat when he does a trick or is training to do a trick. Don't give your bird more than five treats a day (at the maximum!) because if you exceed that limit often, he or she can become unhealthy.



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